Picturing Consequences, a collaboration between Mary E. Lewey and Avi Paul Weinstein, is a mixed media video installation that imagines the oddities we create in our own environment. Our surroundings are constantly changing. Sometimes this change is obvious and happens in deliberate, bold gestures. Other times it occurs in subtle ways that are barely noticeable. Our actions are part of this ongoing evolution. The extremes of human interaction can be a positive force or a devastating setback. Between the two, a lively and absurd juxtaposition with elements of both can occur.

The first iteration of Picturing Consequences debuted at Somerville Museum on Saturday, Dec. 1, 2018, during David Buckley Borden’s Triple Decker Ecology exhibition. Digitized images from the Museum archive are mixed with found print materials to highlight the absurd yet oftentimes endearing juxtaposition between nature and the built environment. The animation also references the impact of climate change on a particular community, a friendly reminder that ecology and conservation begin at home.

In 2019, Mary and Avi submitted Picturing Consequences for consideration in the Massachusetts Cultural Council’s fellowship program and were recognized as finalists in the Film + Video.